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How can I know that I'm getting the most out of what I'm feeding my cattle?Understanding feed costs and consumption rates allows for easy comparison when pricing supplemental feed on a farm. Being able to ‘break’ that cost down to ‘cost per head per day’ allows the producer to understand the true value of the feed. While some feeds offer a low price per ton, they can be practically useless when it comes to maintaining cattle. Nutrient contents such as protein, fat, and fiber should be considered when determining intake.
What are the benefits of liquid feed?Purina Accuration Range Liquid Feed offers a nutrient-dense (34% Protein, 12% Fat), intake-limited feed option that can improve forage utilization. Purina’s “Accuration” technology is designed with Intake Modifying Technology to encourage cows to ‘snack’ several times a day.‘Snacking’ allows for a more active and stable rumen, which allows the cow to perform her best. Between snacking, cows can graze on pasture grass or hay depending on the season.
How can Purina Accuration Hi-Fat blocks supplement my current forage?
What are the benefits of cattle mineral?Purina® Wind and Rain® minerals are designed to correct the mineral deficiencies of the available forage by providing balanced nutrition and minerals to provide consistent consumption in a weather-resistant formulation.
I don't see a feed that I'm interested in listed on your product page. Can you special order one?Yes! Our feed suppliers offer many different varieties of feed that we don't necessarily keep in stock. Of course, it's difficult for us to only get one bag of a particular feed, but depending your needs we might be able to special order something for you. Contact us and let's talk!
What's the best temperature for planting warm-season or cool-season grasses?The daily temperature relative to the grass's growth tends to overlap when the daily average temperature reaches close to 80 degrees. (above graph is courtesy of The Forage Crop Pocket Guide from the International Plant Nutrition Institute)
How can Piedmont help apply lime to my pasture or hayfield?Bulk lime is ideal for hayfields and pastures where large amounts are required. Bagged lime is convenient and easy to apply to yards or gardens. Hydrated lime can be used to control odor or as a *quick lime*. Lime can be spread by our trucks at Piedmont Fertilizer. Depending on the amount needed, lime can be hauled from our headquarters or be trucked to your farm. If there is a bulk load (typically 26+/- tons), a loader will be needed to scoop the lime into our trucks. Our fertilizer buggies will NOT spread lime - only fertilizer and seed. Contact the office personnel for more information regarding this.
What is Winter Grazing?Winter grazing serves as a high quality forage supplement in the spring months. Planted around September to November, small grains (oats, rye, wheat, etc.) are typically planted into tilled seed beds or drilled into established perennial pasture (Bermuda or Bahia). Overseeding ryegrass only requires seed and a handheld spreader. However, larger seeds require a prepared seedbed - anyone at Piedmont can explain this process in greater detail.
When is the best season to apply fertilizer to the grass on my lawn?Turf and lawn grass fertilizing is something that's best done in the late spring. It may be tempting to begin feeding your lawn and turf grass once warmer days come around, but the nighttime lows are just as important as the daytime highs. We suggest waiting until late April or early May. Once the nighttime low and the daytime high numbers can be added together to equal 150 or average 75 degrees then it's time to begin fertilizing your lawn and turf grass! Click the image below to learn more.
What are the benefits to adding Iron to my lawn?Iron provides many benefits to turf and lawn grasses. As a micro-nutrient, Iron helps grass produce the highly desirable deep green coloration we've come to associate with a healthy lawn. To learn more specifics click on the image below.
What kind of weeds do I have?Check out our Corteva Weed ID
What are the benefits of soil testing?Soil testing is the only way to truly understand pH and nutrient levels in a given soil. While past application records, estimated removal rates, and in person evaluations can help determine approximate levels, a soil test is the only way to know what nutrients are there and available to the plant.
How do I go about soil testing?***When soils sampling, keep in mind that you are wanting to represent thousands of pounds of soil in 1 test.*** It is best to pull multiple ‘plugs’ or ‘scoops’ per acre to ensure their is equal representation of weak and strong performing spots in a field. Soil samples can be taken using a soil probe, spade, or shovel. A bucket of sorts is needed to collect the plugs. Once the plugs are collected, shake or stir the bucket to mix the soil, break apart clods, and remove unwanted roots or small rocks. Pour the sample into a test bag with customer name, phone number, field ID, sample ID, and crop. For hayfields and pastures, only sample the top 3-4” of a soil. Gardens or row crop ground needs to be sampled up to 6”.
When is the best time of year to soil test?Soil testing is recommended anytime you're considering applying anything to your field or pasture. Many people prefer to soil test during the dormant winter months.
How long is a soil test good for?One soil test is good for 2-3 years on pasture land and 1-2 years on hayland.
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